Dong 2013 Competition

Our friends of the DONG Open Air have news:
Here we go with the pretty badass “Dong Competition.” Over the next three weeks, we are going to fill a nice bag full of metal highlights that will make your 2013 Dong Open Air even greater than it usually is. What do you have to do to get that prize? Just sign up for our newsletter, or rather: stay signed up!
The first nifty prize in the big bag o’ prizes is a meet&greet with Dark Tranquillity for two fans! You will meet the cofounders of the Gothenburg sound backstage and will have the chance to ask them anything you have always wanted to know. At the same time, you get to take a look behind the scenes of the Dong Open Air. And being the great hosts that we are, this prize will also involve a couple of free beers. So sign up for our newsletter and stay tuned to find out about the other great things that will go into the bag – it’s definitely worth the wait!

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