Heino Show at Dong? April Fools!

Our friends of the DONG Open Air have news:
We got a multivocal feedback for our announcement that schlager singer Heino and Grave Digger are going to perform together at the Dong Hill. A few of you accused us of telling another April Fools story. We will have to stick to the truth and admit that we find this musical combination highly appealing!
But just to avoid hurt feelings and disappointment, we shall stick to the truth even further: Yes, this was our April Fools prank! This seems to be the appropriate point to give a big shout out to Chris Boltendahl and Grave Digger who supported us in this! 🙂 We hope you spent a little while wondering what this was all about!
But you can relax now, no more pranks coming up. Instead – here’s the link to our brandnew updated playlists for the DOA 2014 line up – including Grave Digger!
Have a great day! Your Dong Team

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