Our friends of the DONG Open Air have news:
It’s not a secret, our beloved heavy metal is changing. It’s time to follow some trends. A festival is more than a meadow, a stage, bands, and beer! We have closely watched the development of the programs framing the mega festivals and reverently bow our heads. But it is not only the charm of the exceptional, but also the strong approval of the visitors encouraged us to expand our very own “extra program” this year.
The incredible view of Ruhr region and the lower Rhine presented us with the excellent opportunity of providing an “event toilet”. We are going to fence in a less frequented part of the hill for our “thrones” for perfect placement. “Perfect” meaning: Right by the edge of the hill, with a lovely view of the scenery. Best view? Exactly the point. The stalls will be set up in a discreet distance, and have a maximum occupancy of 1 person each. We have created three different stall experiences for you, which we are going to introduce here:
Model “Real nature” does not vary too much from your regular toilet stall. The main difference can be seen in the door, which in the “real nature” experience, is made from see-through Plexiglas, allowing for an undisturbed view into the scenery. However, you are still save from wind and weather conditions, making an extended stay on the throne even nicer.
“Frozen Poo Poo” is a bit more exciting. Let’s get serious, if we want something special, we’ll go the whole nine yards. “Frozen Poo Poo” is almost identical with „real nature“, but we omitted the whole door. Now you can join the potential thunder from the sky or the stage, and still enjoy the fresh air in a moment where you really need it.
“King of the Hill” – We’ll keep it with the Highlander: There can only be one! A special throne for the kind of person who admittedly ought be quite extroverted. The “King of the Hill” is completely made of see-through Plexiglas. Walls, roof, door. All Plexiglas. Nothing should stand in the way of you enjoying nature!
If we sparked your interest, give us a shout in the form of a comment or registration, so we can make sure there is a sufficient count of stalls for everyone. However, we will only provide on “King of the Hill” as it rarely is a good idea to have two competing royals on one hill at the same time.
In case you’re all up for this, we might just consider ditching the regular porta-potties altogether. Where’s the fun if you can use those old things pretty much anywhere.
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