Our friends of the DONG Open Air have news:
Finally! Before we’ll start the ticket sale on Sunday at noon, we are going to give you a first insight into the 2016 Dong menu:
Bam! Right in your face… Testament are gooing to land on Mount Moshmore! Into the pit, and into the Pott! The virtuous bay area thrash opens the box that is the first band package for the Dong Open Air 2016! Followed by a band, who is no less virtuous: Hackneyed and their youthful levity are going to use their excellent death metal to kick some ass and take some names! Of course, the festival wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t consider any local bands or power metal – fortunately, Elvellon cover both with their impressive vocalist from our neighbortown Moers! Kadavrik, on the other hand, are a bit rougher and more aggressive, true black metal experts. We are also quite interested to see if the tent gets steamier with them or with the Irish folk heroes The Pokes!
Either way, this was just one of many sets of recommendations for our great three-day summer buffet up on the hill. If you have never been there or just need to refresh your memory, check out or appetizer video!


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